Amos Chapple je fotograf, který už procestoval téměř celý svět.  Jeho oblíbeným způsobem je focení známých památek z ptačí perspektivy pomocí dronu. V následující fotogalerii můžete obdivovat působivé snímky metropolí, staveb, či přírodních krás.

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Octagonal city blocks allow for the light, spacious street corners which make al fresco beer & tapas in the town such a delight.

Barcelona, Španělsko

I can’t see what the camera is seeing. People find that weird but I quite like the suspense of not knowing what I have until I get the camera in hand.

Ermitáž, Petrohrad, Rusko

When I asked “what about helicopters?”

Lotosový chrám, Dillí, Indie

At the Taj though, things were very different.

Taj Mahal, Indie

Known to the locals as "Hill 3" this knoll jutting above Mumbai's northern slums is no more valuable than the land below. Access to running water, which the hill lacks, is more valuable than any view.

Slumy v Bombaji, Indie

Budapest, a fine city by day..

Budapešť, Maďarsko

Three centuries after the last cannonball was fired in anger at the fort, it now serves as a museum and centre of a sleepy farming village in eastern Holland. The low, thick walls were designed to offset the pounding force of cannonfire.

Pevnost, Bourtange, Nizozemsko

The Kremlin looms through the haze in background.

Katedrála Krista Spasitele, Moskva, Rusko

With tiny little christians walking round the base.

Katedrála Petra a Pavla, Peterhof, Rusko

If you look close you can see the ladder. The terrifying ladder which I eventually had to climb.

Katskhi, Kavkaz, Gruzie

Twenty minutes later a thunderstorm hit the city.

Kostel Nejsvětějšího Srdce, Barcelona, Španělsko